You can update the student's details via Student Information > Student Details.
The Student Details are arranged in a series of tabs. All information can be updated and some information will be already filled as these details were entered when you created the student.
TAB 1: Student Profile
1. Student name - This will be already filled from when you added the student
2. Student Email - This will be already filled from when you added the student. When the student email has been added, an invitation to join the Student Portal will be generated when this option is switched on for premium customers.
3. Nationality - This will be already filled from when you added the student
4. Region - This will be already filled from when you added the student
5. The student is onshore - This may already be filled if you entered a different Country of Residence to the student's nationality country when adding the student. You can update this checkbox if the student is currently living in the country where they intend to study. Selecting the checkbox makes a Country of Residence field display where you can select the appropriate country.
6. Preferred language - This is the student's language
7. Contact number - This will be already filled from when you added the student
8. Counsellor contact - This will be already filled from when you added the student
9. Passport Number - Enter the student's passport number
10. Save - You can select one of four options:
Save and go back to list (save and go to the list of Students)
Save and Start Counselling (save these details and go to the Student's page to begin to counsel and create the application for the student),
Save and Study Preferences (save these details and go to Course Search).
Save and edit this item (continue to add more details on the student's profile)
TAB 2: Academic Achievement
1. Highest level of Education Completed - This may already be filled from when you added the student and can include a course not yet completed but will be completed by the time the student begins their next study.
2. Country Where Study Completed - This may already be filled from when you added the student
3. Grading System and Results - These fields appear when a level of education is selected.
4. Save - Save the entered details - see explanation of save options above.
TAB 3: Study Preferences
1. Intended Area of Study - This may already be filled from when you added the student . Select the student's preferred area of study
2. Intended Course Level - This may already be filled from when you added the student. Select the course level at which the student wishes to study
3. Courses or Fields - Courses or Field of study
4. Career Paths - What Career path does the student want to take
5. Intended Institution (s) - Preferred University or College
6. Intended Intake Quarter and Year - This may already be filled from when you added the student. Make selections to indicate when the student wants to study.
7. Intended Intake Comments - Add notes about the intake preference of the student if you require.
8. Funding Source - How is the student funding their studies? This is a good file note to have when discussing the suitability of the student to receive an offer and future visa requirements.
9. Intended Destinations - These may already be filled from when you added the student. Select where the student want to study.
10. Intended Destination Comments - Add any other information about the preferred destination
11. Save - Save the student's details - see explanation of save options above.
TAB 4: Lead tracking
1. Lead status - Lead status is something that you can use to clarify the importance of a lead or student, we have suggestions below on how to classify leads or students.
Lead Status Hot - a student who is interested in the 1st and 2nd upcoming intakes.
Lead Status Warm - a student who is interested in the 3rd and 4th upcoming intakes.
Lead Status Cold - a student who is thinking of study after the 4th upcoming intake or those who are not certain where or when they want to go.
2. Prospect Rating - Prospect rating is something that you can use to classify the Visa potential of a student
No Star -not visited and/or not reachable
1 Star - still at the discussion stage, cannot specify a time for application submission
2 Star -pending academic documents and/or financial/sponsorship approximately two weeks until the submitted application can proceed
3 Star - academics okay financial/sponsorship strong, the application will be submitted in under two weeks
3. Preferred appointment date - This function can be used by a call centre or counsellors to record a date a student would prefer to be contacted.
Time - This function can be used by a call centre or counsellors to record a time a student would prefer to be contacted.
4. Lead Source - Where did the lead come from example Walk-In, Facebook, etc
5. Candidates Comments - File notes about your students lead status
6. Where did you hear about [Recruiter's Company name]? - Make a selection from the list
7. Sign Up Country, City, State & IP - The signup details of your student
8. Save - Save the entered details - see explanation of save options above.
TAB 5: Personal Details
1. Personal Details - Students personal details that will be moved into the application when one is started
2. Save - Save the student's details - see explanation of save options above.
TAB 6: Campaign Data
1. Lead Id - Lead Identification number
2. Campaign Id - campaign Identification number
3. Campaign name - Name of the campaign
4. Form Id - Form Identification number
5. Form Name - Form Identification name
6. Ad Id - Ad Identification number
7. Ad name - Ad Identification name
8. Save the entered details - see explanation of save options above.
TAB 7: Payload
The Payload tab provides information for students who have been imported as leads. For more information about how to import leads into the platform, refer to Importing Students in Bulk .
The Payload tab lists all the data that was included in the CSV file or ad form (Facebook) used to import their data into the platform.
If you have any queries about editing a student's details, please contact your Account Manager for assistance. For any technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support at