The Student Overview page is divided into a Header Card - which remains regardless of what part of the dashboard you are accessing - and one or more Content Cards - which show the content of the menu item selected from the drop-down menus or tabs in the Header Card.
The Header Card includes the following information:
1. Status Indicator - Shows the current status of your student. You can adjust the status. Statuses include:
Active - Student's application is active in the platform. Indicator is green.
Paused - There is a delay in completion of the student's application. When setting this status, you can select a date on which the student's status will return to Active. On the day this occurs, you will receive an alert reminder in the Notifications. Indicator is yellow
Inactive - Student's application has been ceased. Indicator is grey
2. Nationality Flag - shows the student's nationality represented by a flag. Hover your mouse over the flag and a tooltip will appear showing which nationality is represented by the flag.
3. Student ID Number
4. Student Contact Details - the student's email can be copied
5. Applications submitted to Adventus indicator - clickable to the Applications page
6. Applications lodged with Institutions indicator - clickable to the Applications page
7. Offers received/accepted indicator - when offers have been received the circle showing the number will be yellow. This will turn green when a student acceptance has been received. This indicator is clickable to the Applications page.
8. Add Note - you can leave notes on the student which are only visible to members of your workspace. To add a note ensure that you use Add Note button at the top, right of the header card.
Each note can be categorised. There are seven categories to choose from - Phone call, Email, SMS, Message, Face-to-face, Video call and None.
9. Student Information and Search & Apply menus and the Applications tab
These menus contain all the information you need to manage your student and their applications. The menus are described below.
Student Information Menu
The Student Information menu contains:
Activity & Overview
Student Details.- details that have been added to the student profile
Activity & Overview
The Activity & Overview menu item displays four tabs:
- Messages - you can only send messages to our Global Admissions team after the application has been submitted. Note that this area of the Student Information menu is a placeholder only. The messaging (group chat) feature can now be found in the Applications tab. For more information about how to use messages, see the article Applications List & Messages.
Tasks - are the jobs you are currently responsible for completing. This checklist is for your reference only and does not need to be completed before submitting your student's application.
Notes - view the notes on your student that are only visible to members of your workspace.
Timeline - is the history of when each step was completed. This section will also provide an indicator of when notes were added.
The Activity & Overview also includes an Overview card which is located under the task list. This provides a summary of the student details and a First Submission field, which shows the date the student first submitted their application.
Student Details
Here you can edit the details of your student's profile.
Search & Apply Menu
This menu contains all the steps of the application workflow.
The Applications tab displays information after a student has submitted their application (from the Review & Lodgement phase). It lists all the courses the student has applied for. Courses are listed in order of how they were ranked in the shortlist. The course list will automatically update if the courses in the shortlist changes.
As well as the current course list, you can also view cancelled courses that have been removed from the course list.
Each course listing has a Details tab and a Messages tab.
Details tab
The course's Details tab provides a quick snapshot of the student's order and what stage the course is at from a processing perspective.
The Details tab also shows the preferred intake date (which will be automatically updated if this changes), when the course was saved and shortlisted, when the student first submitted their application and the date the application was lodged with the institution. Also, you can view whether the course has an Application Fee and the status of its payment.
If the student is applying for a course as an Onshore Student (currently living in the country where they intend to study) an Onshore badge will display at the top of the Details pane.
If the student is offshore, a Visa Processing badge will be shown at the top of the Details pane. If you have chosen to process the visa yourself for the application, a 'Self Processed Visa' badge will display. If Adventus will be processing the visa, an 'Adventus Visa' badge will display. For more information about Self-Processed Visa for the major destinations, please see the articles in the folder Platform>Your Student's Visa.
For more information, refer to the article, Applications List & Messages.
Messages tab
The Messages tab houses the group chat for everyone in all workspaces who are working on the student's application for the course.
Messages sent by you are green and those you have received are grey. Messages are shown with the name of the sender, their role and a timestamp. Messages that were existing in the previous location in the Activity & Overview menu that relate to this application can be found at the top of the Messages pane above a blue divider.
More information about how to use Messages can be found in the article Applications List & Messages.
If you have any queries about using My Students, please contact your Account Manager for assistance. For any technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support at