Read on below for some great new features just released!
New Region Field in Student Profile
You will notice a new Region field when adding a student or editing their student profile. If regions are available for your student’s nationality, a selection must be made from the Region field. Collecting this information about your student is important in ensuring that only the relevant required documents are shown for the student.
When viewing existing students, you will notice a blue notification message at the top of the screen requesting you enter the student’s region in the Student Profile. Go to the Student Profile via Student Information>Student Details to select a region for your student.
Course Search Updates
New Academic Requirements Filter
The new ‘Academic Requirements’ filter allows you to search results relevant to your student’s academic achievement.
Under Highest Education Level, select either Post Graduate, Undergraduate or 12th Grade / High School.
When Post Graduate or Undergraduate is selected, relevant results at all education levels will display. You can further filter your results using the keyword search or the other filter options.
If you select 12th Grade / High School, you can then select the type of Grading System that was used to obtain the result and then enter the result achieved or is expected to achieve by the intake date.
The course results will be displayed with badges indicating how well-matched the student’s grades are to the course’s entry requirements. The badges are explained here.
Your student's grades are close to meeting the entry requirements for this course. |
Your student's grades meet the entry requirements for this course. |
Your student's grades exceed the entry requirements for this course. |
Please note: Only bachelor-level programs (where high school entry requirements are provided) are displayed. Each course listed will be shown with the relevant badge.
Sort your Course Results by Intake
Helping you quickly identify which courses in the search results have an upcoming intake soon, we have added the ability to sort your results by intake. This sorts the results from earliest intake to latest intake.
Entry Requirements added to Search Results Export
Improving the quality of the information you can share with your students, you can now export the full Entry Requirements of the relevant courses.
Keep in Touch!
We're here to help!
General questions: reach out to your Account Manager.
Technical support email: You can also continue to pass on any feedback or product ideas.
Questions about candidates: through the chat widget on the student in the platform.
More information is available under Contact Us in the Knowledgebase.
v2.6.9 & 2.6.8