How to import students in bulk
You are able to import leads from spreadsheets into your Adventus workspace. This allows you to manage, assign, track and process students from lists, events or downloads.
The import can process a large number of fields, including contact details, comments, study preferences and Facebook campaign data.
To import leads:
1. Create and save a CSV file of your leads. This file can have a range of columns, but at a minimum must have First Name, Last Name and Email.
Note: The Email data must be unique (not previously used in any other uploaded data).
2. On your Dashboard, expand the Students menu and select Import Leads.
3. Select the team or team member to assign the leads to. The image below shows the leads will be assigned to the team member 'Counsellor Full'.
4. Click Choose File to upload the CSV file.
5. Click Parse CSV.
6. Select the Destination Field for each column in the file. The destination fields are the parameters available in The data will appear in these selected fields in against each student. Select the closest matching field to the column data you have. For example, in the image below ‘Given Name’ has been selected for the ‘First Name’ column. If a particular column of your data does not have a closely matching destination field name, select 'No field'.
7. Click Import Data.
You will receive a notification on the success or failure of the import. A reason for a failed upload will be provided.
The student leads will appear in the Unassigned Students list if a team had been selected in step 3. above or in the relevant team member's My Students list if a specific team member had been selected.
The image below shows the leads in the Unassigned Students list as they had been assigned to a team, not a particular team member.
The image below shows the leads in the My Students list as they had been assigned to a particular team member.
You will see that the data for each student that had a corresponding destination field above appears in the relevant field in the student record. Any data that you left as 'No Field' when selecting a destination field above will appear in the Payload tab on the student record.
If you have any queries about importing leads in bulk into the platform, please contact your Account Manager for assistance. For any technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support at