Casita's accommodation directory in the platform
We are keen to help your students make the most informed decisions about all aspects of their overseas study. With this in mind, we have partnered with Casita to offer you a gateway into a wealth of accommodation options for your students directly from the platform. Casita links are also available in the Student Portal.
There are some fantastic reasons to use the Casita directory from the platform. The directory is completely free for you and your students to use and provides details for over 1 million rooms in 52 countries. The directory is available to use at any time - whether it is pre- or post-submission of your student’s application. Using the Casita accommodation links in the platform will save you time and effort when you are so busy already putting together the student’s application.
Your students are rewarded for using Casita. For a select time only, Casita will offer your student an Amazon gift card of USD$75 once they arrive at their destination and check-in with their accommodation provider.
How to Access Casita in the Platform
The Casita accommodation directory can be accessed via links in the course details via the Accommodation tab.
You can access the Accommodation tab in the course details a number of ways:
By clicking on a course card in Course Search
By clicking on a course card in your student’s Shortlist
- By clicking on the Course link in the Details tab of the application in the Applications tab
How to Lodge an Accommodation Enquiry with Casita
After you have located the accommodation you are interested in, you lodge an enquiry with Casita and one of their Accommodation Experts will contact your student. Here’s how to do it in five quick and easy steps.
Step 1:
Access the Accommodation tab for the relevant course (see details above about how to do this)
Step 2:
Select a link under ‘Recommended accommodation by Casita’.
Step 3:
Browse through the list of accommodation suggestions and when you find one you like, click View Rooms
Step 4:
Review the details of the accommodation. Scroll down to the section to choose your room, and click ENQUIRE.
Step 5:
Fill in the Enquire Now form with your student’s name and contact details, click Send and one of Casita’s Accommodation Experts will be in touch with your student soon!
How does Casita know the student has been referred by me?
When you or your student accesses Casita, an identification code (starting with ‘ADV’) related to your company will be displayed in the url in the navigation bar. Casita uses this unique code to tag the enquiry as an Adventus enquiry and identify you as the referrer. This code is also used in the url when accessing Casita via the Student Portal.
If you have any queries about using Casita's accommodation directory, please contact your Account Manager for assistance. For any technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support at