Q. Can I search for courses before adding the student in?
You can do a search before adding a student in by using our Course Search feature in the top, left navigation bar. Select a nationality and a country of residence (for onshore students only) and click Proceed. For more information about Course Search, click here.
Q. What types of courses do you have on the platform?
We have a range of courses available on the Platform. These include:
High School
Language Pathway
Graduate Pathway
Masters Coursework
Masters Research
Doctorate (PhD)
Q. How can I check profiles to see whether students are eligible for a particular university?
You can use the academic achievement filters in the course search to identify courses that are suitable for your students. If the student's highest level of achievement is 12th Grade / High School, you can enter a grading system and the student's results in the filters. The results will display a badge indicating how close your student is to meeting the entry requirements for the courses listed. The badges are only displayed for bachelor-level programs. More information about using this feature can be found in the article Using the Course Search Filters.
Q. Who do I contact if I can’t find the course I am looking for? Who will help to provide course options if I get confused?
If you have any questions about any course on the platform or you can’t find the course you are searching for, please contact your Account Manager for advice. You can find the contact details of your Account Management team on the platform via user profile.
Q. How do I get information about alternative English language testing at an institution? Is it available on the platform?
It is available on the platform. When doing your course search, click a course card to show the course details. Then select the Covid-Ready tab and find the Alternative English Language Options.
Q. Where can I find admission requirements for courses?
Admission requirements can be found by clicking on a course card when you undertake a course discovery (course search) in the platform.
Q. How can I find details about scholarships?
You can find details of scholarships on the course cards and in Quick uni finder (university scholarships only). As well as listing the institution’s scholarships we also show other types of scholarships as well. For example, scholarships targeting students studying in a specific area, and scholarships for students from a particular country or region.
Q. How frequently is the course description updated?
The courses and course descriptions are reviewed regularly. This occurs on a schedule of review once a quarter and additionally when notified of a change by the relevant institution. We update as frequently as the Institution updates its course summary information.
Q. There are some students who have study gaps. While we are searching for courses, is this study gap factored in the platform?
It is factored in and we are looking at better ways of doing this in the future. We are working on a new tool called the Visa Eligibility module which is coming out soon. All students will be required to complete it prior to applying. It will advise if we think gaps are likely to be problematic for the visa application. At present, our Admissions team does the analysis of the student application and visa eligibility.
Q. If a student wants to apply to multiple universities for different courses at the same time, how will Adventus filter which course the student is eligible for?
The platform allows you to submit one single application in different courses in different universities. You can also rank these courses in order of your preference. Our team will do the necessary checks and get back to you. The number of applications permitted per student depends upon your Product Plan. See MyPlan.