You can undertake a course search for a new or existing student at any time. Simply select the student from your dashboard and select Search & Apply > Course Search.
Before exploring the Course Search, please take a look at our featured institution on the Course Search landing page. You may want to consider this institution as a destination for your student. |
Course Search involves three steps
Setting the search criteria
Viewing courses shown in the Search Results
Adding your preferred courses to the Shortlist
1. Setting the Search Criteria
Keyword Search
Here you enter details of the type of courses you are searching for by typing keywords into the Search field and then clicking the Search button. You can enter information such as the name of the course, the institution, the destination country, the study level and more.
Use filters to refine your search further. You can select from Intakes and Course Levels and if you wish to choose from other filters, select options in the left-hand pop-up panel. This left-hand panel can be opened or closed using the More filters button.
For more information about how to use the Course Search filters, see Using the Course Search Filters.
Tailored Search
You will notice in the image above, the Nationality and Country of Residence (for onshore students only) fields are not editable. This is because these criteria were set by you when you created the student. The search results shown will automatically be tailored to your student's nationality and country of residence, regardless of other filters you have selected.
Clear All Filters
At any point, click the Clear All Filters button to reset the filters back to the default.
Note: If you completed your student's academic details in their Student Profile prior to undertaking Course Search, these details will automatically be shown in the Grade Match filters and will remain even after you select 'Clear All Filters'.
2. Viewing courses shown in the Search Results
Search Results Count
This displays the total number of results as per the search criteria set above.
Sorting Results
You can sort the list of courses by relevance, Intake (Earliest to Latest), Turnaround Time (Low to High), THE or QS rank or cost.
Drive Courses Only Switch
Switching on the Drive Institution toggle will only show Adventus Drive Institution courses in the results list.
Adventus Drive institutions are our Adventus Drive partner institutions - highly active in our marketplace, averaging lower turnaround times and higher acceptance rates and are some of the most popular student destinations.
Course Listings
Course details are presented as course cards. Click a course card to reveal the Course Details which contain a wealth of information about the course, the institution, scholarships, the destination country and more. For more information about course cards, see the article Institution Course Information Cards.
View Intakes on Course Cards
The next upcoming intake is shown on each course card, where relevant and available. Where further future intakes are available, click the More button to see the full list displaying intakes up to three years in advance.
Where all intakes for a quarter are available for applications, this is indicated by a dark green icon. If all intakes for a particular quarter are unavailable for applications, they will be crossed out and appear with a grey icon. If there are some intakes available in a quarter and some not, this will be indicated by a light green icon.
In addition, we will let you know on the course card if the next intake is closing soon. If the intake is closing within 2 weeks, a 'Closing Soon' badge will display next to the intake information. If the intake is closing within 2 days, a 'Hurry Final Days' badge will display. If the application deadline has passed, an 'Applications Closed' badge will display.
Export the Search Results
Conveniently, you can export up to 20 Search results at a time.
To export the results to Excel:
Click Share in the Search action bar
Select the fields you would like to export
Select the listings you want to export
Click Export to Excel
3. Adding your Preferred Courses for the Student
When you find a course that your student may like to apply for, click Add for Shortlist at the top-right of the card. This sends the course to the Shortlist page where you can choose to rank it in your top courses or not.When you add a course to the Shortlist, the Add for Shortlist button changes to Saved for Shortlist.
Course Recommendations
As you add courses to your shortlist, you may notice a course recommendation pop-up at the top right of the page. This gives you the opportunity to consider other suitable course options you may have missed in your initial search. The course displayed can be added to the Shortlist and is a good fit with the courses you have selected for your student, matching closely to study area, destination, course level, course cost, grade and language requirements.
Course Closed for Applications
If an institution is not currently taking applications for a particular course at all, an 'Applications Closed' label will appear on the course card. You are not able to add a closed course to the Shortlist.
When the course re-opens for applications, you will be able to add the course to the Shortlist. You can find out when the course next re-opens for applications via the notification in the Course Details page, under Course Dates.
Next Steps
When you have selected your list of preferred courses, you will then need to create a ranked shortlist from this list.
Clicking the Begin Application button will take you to the Shortlist page.
Find out more about this process by reading the article Shortlist and Rank Courses.
If you have already created a shortlist for your student, you can click the Begin Application button to get started on the application. For more information about creating an application, see the article Student Application.
What should I do if the course search shows no results?
If your current offshore licenses don't cover your student's nationality, a blue banner will display at the top of the page explaining this - see image below.
In this situation, no course search results will show for the student.
Note: If your student's country of residence is not covered by your current onshore licenses, there will also be a blue banner shown at the top of the page explaining this. In this situation, the search will only include results applicable for your student's nationality (as long as the nationality is one of your licensed countries). Relevant courses for their onshore status will not be displayed.
You can upgrade your licences by upgrading your plan (via Settings>My Plan) or you can discuss this with your Regional Manager. You can find the contact details for your Regional Manager in the platform under Settings>Account Management Team.
If you have any queries about using Course Search, please contact your Account Manager for assistance. For any technical difficulties, please contact Technical Support at