Application Assistant (Mobile App) for Counsellors - Release Notes - July 2022

Download the Application Assistant onto your phone today!


Here are the details of some further updates we have recently made to the mobile app!

Changes include:

  • You can search for a student by their Student ID.
  • You can now filter your student list by status (Active, Paused, Inactive, Complete)
  • You can now view all documents uploaded in each document type per category in Document Manager. You can also preview each document (pdf, doc/docx, png/jpg only)

Read on below for more detail.



Search for a student by Student ID

You can now search for a student by Student ID as well as by name.


Filter the Student List by Status

You can now filter the student list by status to view those students who are:

  • Active - Students with applications that are currently active in the platform
  • Paused -  Students with applications that have been put on hold
  • Inactive  - Students with applications that have ceased.
  • Complete - Students who have completed all aspects of the application process and have reached the end of the student journey.

Use the filter icon ( studfilt1.png ) to make filtering selections.





Documents Listing and Preview

As well as being able to preview your just uploaded documents in Upload History, you can now preview documents via Document Manager. All documents uploaded for a particular category and document type are shown.

Tap View all next to Document Manager and then locate the category and document type you uploaded the document into.


Tap the document type listing and a new page will display showing all the documents that have been uploaded for that document type. Tap the required document to preview.


Keep in Touch!

We're here to help!

  • General questions: reach out to your Account Manager.

  • Technical support email: You can also continue to pass on any feedback or product ideas.

  • Questions about candidates: through the chat widget on the student in the platform. 

More information is available under Contact Us in the Knowledgebase.

v1.4.0, v1.4.1